...com o respectivo dossiê de Imprensa...
E a promessa de voltarmos a falar neste projecto muito em breve: Mais não digo ;)
It´s been a week since the “Pessoa POPular” exhibition ended, after being open for almost 3 months at the Casa Fernando Pessoa, in Lisbon. For those unable to visit it, here are some photos of the day it was put together…the press coverage…
It´s been a week since the “Pessoa POPular” exhibition ended, after being open for almost 3 months at the Casa Fernando Pessoa, in Lisbon. For those unable to visit it, here are some photos of the day it was put together…the press coverage…
And the promise to tell you more about it, very soon: stay tuned ;)
Muy bonito el montaje y las ilustraciones, Richard.
Un abrazo.
Richard, enhorabuena!, que alegría verlo todo terminado. Te invitamos a una cena italiana para celebrarlo.
Hola Javier!
Gracias :)
Un abrazo
Hola Sergio!
Y nosotros llevamos el "Lambrusco" ;)
Salimos ya
Un abrazo
cher richard, quel bonheur tes dessins et ta capacité d'inscrire dans la page l'oeil du poète!
Même si au début ce fut le verbe,
toi, c'est imparable tu as le sens
et la grâce au bout du crayon!
Tu es trop gentille :)
Je te remercie beaucoup et j´éspère pouvoir continuer a faire des dessins aussi beaux que tes paroles.
Bientôt t´auras de mes nouvelles à propos de ce projet...
Wow, this looks fantastic! I love the idea of how the images are put on the walls. Very colorful and fun as well! Congrats to the nice press coverage as well.
Hi Maria,
Thanks :)
Very soon, I´ll post more info about this exhibition, because a catalog was printed and I am planning to sell it by mail.
Take care
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