Até dia 19 de Setembro poderão ver a exposição colectiva de arte postal “Saludos desde...” que comemora os 5 anos de existência da galeria Subaquatica em Madrid, da qual já tínhamos falado aqui. A cada participante foi pedido que comprasse um postal da sua cidade para o enviar à galeria depois de o ter personalizado como achasse oportuno. A minha escolha recaiu numa particular Lisboa feita de colagens dos seus becos, colinas, palmeiras, azulejos, igrejas... e dos seus sempre atentos habitantes à janela... ;)
Until next September 19th, you will be able to visit the 5th year anniversary collective postal art exhibition “Saludos desde…” held at the Subaquatica art gallery of which we already spoke about here. Each participant was asked to buy a postcard of his city and send it after customizing it. I chose a special Lisbon done in a collage that mixes my memories of its alleys, hills, palm trees, blue and white tiles, churches… and of its inhabitants by the the window…
Until next September 19th, you will be able to visit the 5th year anniversary collective postal art exhibition “Saludos desde…” held at the Subaquatica art gallery of which we already spoke about here. Each participant was asked to buy a postcard of his city and send it after customizing it. I chose a special Lisbon done in a collage that mixes my memories of its alleys, hills, palm trees, blue and white tiles, churches… and of its inhabitants by the the window…
adorei estes postais 3D
muito bom, os turistas vão-se passar!!
é bom ver coisas boas a serem feitas!
keep doing it!
kiss kiss
bang bang
Olá Mary,
Muito obrigado :)
Devo dizer-te que me diverti muito a fazer este postal. E que fiquei com vontade de fazer mais...
Aparece sempre
Me encanta!! es una idea buenísima.
Gracias, Guapa :)
haha, very cute! :)
Really cool, who´s gonna frame that?
Hej hej, Mr and Mrs Johnsson... or Mrs and Mr Esaiasson ;D
Answering Erik´s question: the same guy that framed the "white-painted-mobile-phone-assemblage" you have in your living room, mister! :)
It was great fun doing it. And a lot of work cutting all those little details... It really felt like doing a series!
Maybe you can find some "cute postcards/great postcard material" in old 2nd hand stores or Loppis !? I miss Sweden!!!!
Vi ses!!
Já estou a imaginar esta técnica mas em grandes formatos. Está linda a composição.
E para sobremesa depois desses noodles:
Mostrar-me esse bolo de chocolate e nozes a 600km de distância, é muita maldade junta...
Bjito ;)
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