
Warsaw Book Fair...

Notícias de Varsóvia: Durante a conferência que dei na Feira do Livro de Varsóvia a convite do Instituto Camões e a meias com o Paulo Monteiro (director do Festival de BD de Beja e autor e banda desenhada), aproveitei para dar seguimento a este meu projecto e fiz este desenho da plateia. Eram poucos, mas pareciam interessados. Daí ter conseguido os nomes de alguns deles. Mas o que aparenta ser ainda mais interessante é que, coincidência ou não, acabei por voltar a ver algumas destas caras noutros locais de Varsóvia... Houve momentos em que a cidade me pareceu duvidosamente pequena :)
News from Warsaw: During the shared lecture I gave at the Book Fair of Warsaw with Paulo Monteiro (Beja Comic Festival Director and also Comic Book author), invited by the Camões Institute in Poland, I considered this as an opportunity to pursue my project and did this drawing of the audience. They were few people present, but all seemed interested. Also because of that, I managed the names of some of them. But what appears to be even more interesting is that, coincidence or not, I eventually came back to see some of these faces in other places in Warsaw ... There were times when the city seemed suspiciously small :)

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